About Us
our partnership
Alexa and Brandon started skating together in late-Spring 2020 while the U.S. was in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic.
With her partner and husband, Chris Knierim, Alexa was a three-time U.S. national champion and member of Team USA, competing at the 2018 Winter Olympics.
With his partner, Haven Denney, Brandon was the 2017 U.S. national champion, two-time U.S. silver medalist, and 2013 World junior champion.
our team
Coaches: Todd Sand, Chris Knierim, Jenni Meno, Rafael Arutyunyan
Choreographer: Renee Roca
Training Center: Great Park Ice
Alexa’s Skating Club: DuPage FSC
Brandon’s Skating Club: All Year Figure Skating Club


When did you begin skating? Age 7
How did you begin skating? My parents encouraged me to participate in an activity outside of school. The ice rink was located five minutes from my house. We went to the rink out of curiosity and never left!
What is your favorite thing about skating? You can be 100% true to yourself with each and every glide you take. There is so much freedom to express yourself and push yourself beyond all measures.
What is your favorite thing about your partner? I admire Brandon’s work ethic. He is always up to push the limits. I also enjoy his sense of humor.
When did you begin skating? Age 5
How did you begin skating? I was at a friends birthday party at the roller rink and wanted to take it up as a sport and then made the switch to ice around the age of 9.
What is your favorite thing about skating? I enjoy the competitions the most, anything that has a high competitive atmosphere I really enjoy being apart of it.
What is your favorite thing about your partner? There are many great things about having Alexa as a partner. For one, I love her work ethic and determination. She also has such love for the sport that it creates a great atmosphere to be around.


Birthday: 06/10/1991
Hometown: Addison, IL
Hobbies/interests besides skating: Spending time with my husband, cuddling with all 4 pets, reading, fishing/hiking, game nights, rhinestoning different accessories.
Movies: Miracle, Wizard of Oz, Elf
TV Shows: I am a “Netflix and chill” gal. But also, I am a “Hulu, Amazon Prime, Apple TV and chill” girl too. 😉
Magazines or Podcasts: Cosmopolitan, Women’s Health, Cat-Ster
Songs: I love all styles of music. My mood depicts what I listen to that day.
Colors: Favorite color is red, but I usually choose pink. (Strange, I know)
Animals: Pet animal: Cats. Zoo animal: Giraffe
Food: Nearly everyday I eat oatmeal and salad! (Not together, of course!) Flavored or dressed up in many different ways! My guilty pleasures are cookies, French fries, and Tostito Lime Chips!
Drinks: Coffee, Water

Birthday: 11/19/1992
Hometown: Colorado Springs, CO
Hobbies/interests besides skating: Playing football, getting together with friends, reading and hiking.
TV Shows: Breaking Bad, Family Guy, The Office, Friends